
Bellville Small Claims Court

Area: Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Physical Address: Corner Landdros Street & Voortrekker Roads, Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Postal Address: Private Bag X10, Bellville, 7530, South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)21 950 7751
Fax: +27 (0)21 945 3387
GPS Co-Ordinates: -33.901303, 18.620986
Web: www.justice.gov.za/scc/scc_courts.htm

Western Cape Small Claims Courts - Bellville Small Claims Court - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Office Hours:
General Enquiries 07:45 to 12:30   Monday to Thursday.
Hearings of the Small Claims Court are arranged as per the case load.

If there are any errors in the above information, please notify us via an email to info@westerncapecommunity.co.za

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