
McNulty House - Woodstock, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Area: Woodstock, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Physical Address: 19 Regent Street, Woodstock, Western Cape, South Africa
Postal Address: PO Box 142, Woodstock, 7915, South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)21 447 6334
Fax: +27 (0)21 448 9108
Contact Person: Ms. Ada Kennedy
GPS Co-Ordinates: -33.929394, 18.454916
Web: www.noah.org.za

Western Cape Old Age Homes - McNulty House Old Age Home - Woodstock, Cape town, Western Cape, South Africa
Office Hours: 08:30 - 17:30
Our independent-living homes are ordinary homes in ordinary suburbs in Cape Town.They are affordable and allow pensioners to retain their independence within their communities for as long as possible, promoting ‘Active Ageing’, a priority of Government as laid down in the recently promulgated  Older Person’s Act of 2006.
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