
The George and Annie Starck Homes - Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Area: Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Physical Address: Frans Conradie Drive, Bellville, Western Cape, South Africa
Postal Address: PO Box 119, Bellville, 7535, South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)21 948 1844
Fax: +27 (0)21 949 0305
Contact Person: Ms. Annemie Huskisson
GPS Co-Ordinates: -33.893912, 18.608498
Web: www.starckhomes.co.za

Western Cape Old Age Homes The George and Annie Starck Homes - Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Experience the tranquility of our natural green surroundings. Residents are free to spend time with their friends or family at any time be it in their rooms,away visiting or in the lush green gardens. The Homes have more than 40 years of experience in care for the elderly and is the second oldest home in Bellville. Involvement by suitable volunteers are also welcomed by management.
The George and Annie Starck Homes rightly enjoy an enviable reputation for excellence in management. Those who reside with us therefore have the assurance that a tradition of sound management will assure their future well-being.
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